Jan 15, 2025

Travel on Privacy Layer with OreoWallet


Iron Fish aims to provide every crypto asset with access to a safe privacy layer, and OreoWallet aims to provide easy-to-use wallet on this layer.

At the beginning of year 2025, Iron Fish made a big step toward realizing that vision - Optional Privacy to 20+ EVM Chains. This tutorial will walk through how to bridge Iron Fish assets in/out with OreoWallet.

Install OreoWallet

Relax, as an extension wallet, this is really easy (click me).

Create/Import an Iron Fish Account

You can create a fresh account in OreoWallet. You can also import Iron Fish cli wallet, Iron Fish NodeApp wallet and Ledger wallet to OreoWallet easily.

  • Export mnemonic from Cli: run Iron Fish cli command ironfish wallet:export -a $YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME --mnemonic.
  • Export mnemonic from NodeApp: copy your keys in account setting => keys.
  • Import to OreoWallet: choose import wallet with mnemonic and paste them in OreoWallet.

Bridge In with OreoWallet

  1. Jump to ChainPort.
  2. Choose (USDC) Base as source network and connect your evm wallet.
  3. Paste OreoWallet address as destination Iron Fish address.
  4. Choose amount of USDC you want to bridge.
  5. Start bridging and wait for serval mins.
  6. Check your privacy-USDC postition in OreoWallet.

Privacy USDC Transfer on Iron Fish

  1. Start transfer with Send button.
  2. Choose USDC with asset selector.
  3. Add receiver + amount + memo to use.
  4. Confirm and wait for mined on chain.

Bridge Out with OreoWallet

  1. Jump to ironfish.bridge.
  2. Choose asset you want to bridge out of Iron Fish (IRON + USDC supported now).
  3. Connect OreoWallet.
  4. Choose amount of IRON/USDC you want to bridge.
  5. Add EVM address as destination address to receive bridged asset.
  6. Confirm on bridge page.
  7. Check transaction details and confirm in OreoWallet (there is always an output with 1 IRON and memo "type: fee_payment", this is for chainport bridge fee).
  8. Wait for serval mins then check your EVM wallet.

Since OreoWallet is still in development, we recommend users to create a new wallet for testing first!!! Do read the agreement in oreowallet website and keep your fund safe.